

Sarah Widmeyer talks about women brain health

Sarah Widmeyer, SVP, Wealth Strategies, talks about the all-important subject of brain health and shares her personal story of losing her mom to Alzheimer’s. Sarah…

2 minute read

Releasing a heart shaped paper balloon up in the air


Maximize your charitable giving

Changing your approach from reactive to strategic can make a greater impact Not only is charitable giving a meaningful way to create a legacy, it’s…

7 minute read

Couple taking the stress out of tax season


2023 year-end tax planning checklist

Effective wealth planning takes place throughout the year. However, you can take some key steps before the end of the year and early in the…

2 minute read

Couple taking the stress out of tax season


2023 year-end tax planning checklist

Take some key steps before the end of the year and early in the new year from a tax planning perspective to make a positive…

22 minute read


So, you want to buy a vacation property — but is it a good investment?

Talk to a Richardson Wealth Advisor today to see if a vacation property aligns with your financial goals.

12 minute read

Couple starring across the lake as the sun sets


So, you want to buy a vacation property — but is it a good investment?

Talk to a Richardson Wealth Advisor today to see if a vacation property aligns with your financial goals.

11 minute read

Couple sitting by the dock with their dog, looking at a cottage across the lake.


So, you want to buy a vacation property — but is it a good investment?

Every dream property has its price. Ensure your choice aligns with your lifestyle and your financial strategy.

12 minute read

an adult child moving back home


Why student housing is a buy and hold investment right now

April 19, 2023 - Over the next five to 10 years, Francis Sabourin anticipates more international students will choose Canada given the cost of living,…

2 minute read

passing the baton. handing over responsibility.


Trusts: a powerful wealth planning tool

A trust is a powerful wealth planning tool that may allow you to get specific about how you want to transfer your wealth to beneficiaries.…

3 minute read