Money tree

Estate planning

How to manage a financial windfall

A financial windfall, whether it’s unexpected or expected, can be a life-changing event. Here are some tips to help you make the most of it.

10 minute read

Parent talking to his child seated on a couch

Estate planning

Should you help your adult child buy a house?

As the cost of home ownership continues to rise in Canada, many adult children are turning to their parents for financial assistance to purchase their…

13 minute read

Grandfather with grand kids and family

Estate planning

Is your will up to date?

Creating a will isn’t a ‘set it and forget’ it document. Review your will once every five years, or whenever there’s a significant life development.

6 minute read

Life events

Financial tips for new parents

Whether it’s through birth, adoption or surrogacy, deciding to have a child is one of the biggest life decisions you’ll ever make. The rewards are…

10 minute read

jumping over hurdles and running through challenges

Life events

How to rebound after job loss

Losing your job doesn’t have to mean losing everything. We’ve got tips to help you bridge the gap – emotionally and financially – while you…

9 minute read

open communication with kids

Estate planning

Preparing the next generation for wealth

How do you know when (and how) to introduce the next generation to the family wealth picture? Creating a plan to navigate these complex wealth…

9 minute read


So, you want to buy a vacation property — but is it a good investment?

Here are a few things you should think about before you seriously consider purchasing a vacation property.

11 minute read

moving chess pieces from point A to B to identify steps for financial planning

Estate planning

Take charge of your financial future after a dementia diagnosis

While many people can continue to live happy and productive lives for years after a diagnosis, at some point there may be a time when…

12 minute read

a carefree couple after selling their home

Life events

Selling your home – what to consider before you list

Selling your home? Whether you’re upsizing, downsizing, or choosing to rent for a while to weigh your options or wait for the market to cool,…

8 minute read