Money tree

Estate planning

How to manage a financial windfall

A financial windfall, whether it’s unexpected or expected, can be a life-changing event. Here are some tips to help you make the most of it.

10 minute read

Parent talking to his child seated on a couch

Estate planning

Should you help your adult child buy a house?

As the cost of home ownership continues to rise in Canada, many adult children are turning to their parents for financial assistance to purchase their…

13 minute read

Parliament building in Ottawa, seat of Canadian federal government

Estate planning

Federal budget 2024

Budget 2024 includes net new spending of $39.2 billion over the next five years intended to make housing more affordable, to make life cost less,…

3 minute read

Grandfather with grand kids and family

Estate planning

Is your will up to date?

Creating a will isn’t a ‘set it and forget’ it document. Review your will once every five years, or whenever there’s a significant life development.

6 minute read

open communication with kids

Estate planning

Preparing the next generation for wealth

How do you know when (and how) to introduce the next generation to the family wealth picture? Creating a plan to navigate these complex wealth…

9 minute read

Estate planning

Maximize your charitable giving

Want to be more strategic about your charitable giving? Learn how a carefully crafted strategic giving plan can maximize tax efficiency and help you leave…

7 minute read

Estate planning

Proposed changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax and what they could mean for philanthropy

Although it’s been around since 1986, most Canadians aren’t aware of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) rule.

7 minute read

the challenge of tax planning

Estate planning

2023 year-end tax planning checklist

Take some key steps before the end of the year and early in the new year from a tax planning perspective to make a positive…

22 minute read

Estate planning

Gifting in life: What you need to know

Gifting in life allows you to support the people and causes you care about – gradually passing on your wealth during your lifetime.

10 minute read