Market Insights

Is this how you treat your “friends”?

The punch came from our purported friendly neighbour, a long-time trade partner and close ally. President Trump set aside his tariffs posturing and went full…

17 minute read

Graphs and stack of coins representing the market volatility

Market Insights

Yielding to Silicon Valley Bank

March 13, 2023. News of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has dominated the headlines in recent days, with concerns that the bank’s failure will spread throughout…

13 minute read

Market Insights

Special Report – Preparing for the next bull

December 2022. Nobody knows when this bear market ends; we want to believe we are much closer to the end than the beginning, but this…

3 minute read

graphs showing market volatility

Market Insights

“Pssst” says Yield Curve

May 1, 2023. Market Insights. With inflation at or near a 40-year high, Canadian and U.S. central banks have embarked on aggressive monetary policy tightening…

20 minute read

candlestick and line chart of mid-year stock performance

Market Insights

Unprecedented times

March 8, 2022. Market Insights. Sanctions have largely exiled Russia from global trade and finances and have left the rest of the world wondering what…

16 minute read